Jan 16, 2013

Budgeting Time

It was my fault...  I chose a complicated subject to paint.  It took literally for-ev-er to finish these paintings.  I should have chosen a project that could have been finished in the amount of time that was given.  That's what I learned through this project, and I learned it the hard way.  


  1. Hey Mindy! I don't know if I've seen these together yet. I think I may have seen the warm light cool shadows, but seeing them together is awesome! Very well done! They make me feel all nostalgic for the Spori. I might just have to buy a couple of prints of these off you someday for my art space to help me feel the inspiring and motivating atmosphere of working in the Spori. I really love them, especially the warm light cool shadows version. I especially love the colors of the bricks in the setting light next to the awesome colors in the windows of the testing center. Sweet! Bravo!

    1. Thanks for such an encouraging comment and feed back. These paintings were really a killer to me, but I'm proud to say that I didn't give up. I finished it even though I took way too much extra time. These paintings will bring great memories of school for me as well. Hopefully not too much of those hard time memories though, right? I will be happy to sell prints if you really want. Just let me know when you're ready :) Thanks again for your comment. Good luck with your art too!
