Jan 23, 2013

Borrowing Colors

Artists often copy other artists’ work to learn from them.  I remember copying drawings from my favorite comic books and trying to draw like them, but never thought to copy the colors they used.
I prepared a picture of a frog and an anglerfish for this one.  The assignment was to use the colors of other artists to complete this picture. 

For the first and second ones I borrowed colors from Mary Blair, a concept illustrator from Disney. The third one was from Utagawa Hiroshige, a Japanese woodprint artist.  They were both well known for their unique use of colors.  

Magic of Mary Blair     www.magicofmaryblair.com
Utagawa (Ando) Hiroshige     www.artelino.com/articles/ukiyo-e.asp

Jan 16, 2013

Budgeting Time

It was my fault...  I chose a complicated subject to paint.  It took literally for-ev-er to finish these paintings.  I should have chosen a project that could have been finished in the amount of time that was given.  That's what I learned through this project, and I learned it the hard way.  

Jan 9, 2013


Why do people put salt in something so sweet, like cookies?  I used to think that was crazy, but salt actually enhances the sweetness.  Design principle of contrast does the same thing; it enhances the opposite.  From the left we had to portray contrast in value (Dark vs. Light), contrast in saturation (Dull vs. Bright), and contrast in nothing, meaning there is no contrast in the third one.