Jun 26, 2013

My First Illustrated Book!

This book is not finished yet, but I would love to finish and publish it, if I could.  To get books published, our teacher told us to find the publishers, and to call them.  This is how to do it: go to a bookstore, look through books that you like, look up who is publishing the book, then go back home and look up the publishers.  He made it sound so easy. 

Jun 19, 2013

Finding Style

Caution: These are not finished projects.  These are the sketches I’ve done throughout the semester using Photoshop for my digital illustration class.  I picked out some of the sketches I liked to see what kind of style my art was taking.  Teachers tell us students that the style will find you.  Semester is over now, but my job is to keep doing what I like doing until I meet that style of my own that I’ve been looking for.

Jun 12, 2013

Tree of Life

This piece is inspired by Primitive Art.  During that time people only painted what was important.  They didn't waist space drawing something that was not important.  When I thought about what it could be, I thought about the tree of life.  I'm a Christian.  The tree represents Christ and the fruit represents his love.  I think everybody should come and taste of the fruit because it is so pure and sweet.  

Jun 5, 2013

Happy Accident

Splashing paints and spilling water; accidents happen all the time when creating art.  Sometimes artists even rely on accidents to make great art.  It doesn’t always turn out great, but that is what artists get to do; decide whether to keep the accident as it is, or not.  This project, although done on computer, is a result of happy accidents, and I like the way it turned out.