Apr 24, 2013

Master Copy in Digital - Leonardo da Vinci

Brushes in Photoshop can be customized, and by so doing it is possible to make them look any way you desire.  Our assignment was to digitally copy a drawing by customizing brushes in photoshop.  Making a brush that matches this drawing was quite fun for me. 

To the left is Leonardo Da Vinci, who is one famous genius.  He did everything, including painting, engineering, math, invention … everything!  Mona Lisa and the Last Supper were just a couple of well known works of his.  To the right is a master copy I did of his drawing. 

Apr 17, 2013

Beginning Digital Art

The assignment was to draw an apple, so I did.  This is a project I completed for Digital Illustration class at the beginning of the semester.  It will be fun to compare this image with the one I do at the end of the semester.

Apr 10, 2013

Kissing Bug

The Kissing bug is a bug that eats the skin off of people’s faces.  That is why it is called “kissing” bug, and really, there is nothing cute or romantic about it.  The purpose of this poster was to increase the awareness of the effect this bug can have on the health of the community.  Since building this poster required a lot of graphic design I had my friends look over it for critiques.  I like how it turned out.  This poster was actually sent to the village somewhere in Central America (I can’t remember where)!

Apr 3, 2013

Finished or Unfinished

Robert Henri was an American painter and a teacher.  He once said, “No work of art is really ever finished.  They only stop at good places.”  Illustrators draw from references all the time, but they never draw exactly as they see.  Our assignment was to draw from the models and make the drawings our own, making it unique to my style. I really tried to explore the way I finished my drawings.  I don’t like how the top ones turned out, but the later ones aren’t that bad.  The second drawing from the bottom on the right received an Honorable mention at the annual student art show held by the school.  This is only a stop.  I hope to keep finding good places to stop for my art.